Monday, April 14, 2008

Prediction: the Sens stiffle Pens using agitating wall mural.

The Senators have come out with demoralizing tactics stolen straight from the Axis powers of WWII. Murals & posters strewn about slowly diminishing our confidence & hope. I'm surprised Ottawa doesn't have someone on the radio like "Tokyo Rose" telling all the Pens fans that Crosby has been assassinated.

This is what the coaching staff & the front office in Ottawa came up with.
Put up a poster.
Not working on scoring or the powerplay or penaly killing or blocking shots.
"Can we move that mural done the, are they gonna be pissed."

When Gary Roberts sees that poster he will annililate it from existence with a slight movement of his brow. Speaking of "Scary" Gary, does Ottawa really want to keep wasting their time trying to hit Gary. How about stopping 5 goals. How about stopping Malkin & Sykora from defecating on Martin Gerber (which, by the way, played a helluuva game Friday night; I give credit where credit is due). But Martin can't stop everything, especially when he reminds everyone of that delicious baby food every time we see the back of his jersey.

So Crosby & Hossa have played like what...a handful of games together. In the next round, when they starting connecting, the Malkin-Malone-Sykora Defecation line, Staal out-hustling everyone & George Laraque throwing Lemieux passes from behind the net to Roberts... it's gonna be messy.

I'll ask again. Where is Schubert? Please let someone punch you in the face.

The Pens are putting up a poster for the Sens when they come back to Mellon year.

Sorry about your sad faces.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...