Thursday, April 17, 2008

How "sweep" it is.

And how fun it was too.
It's hard for me to forget the whooping the Senators got in the first round so that I can reminisce about the things that actually brought me giggles and glee.

The "Senator"
I thought a Seantor was the guy in the togo reciting Socrates & figuring out diplomacy.
Apparently, Ottawa doesn't know either.
I almost think that the South Park guys orchestrated this much cheese can you put into the opening of you hockey game? This much.

And...I found this toolbag of a video.

That would suck to do all this & then have your team get swept in 4. Good effort though.

The National Anthem
I do think I know the real inspiration behind the Penguins sweep. Most national sports teams get a celebrity to sing the national anthem. Ottawa picked the wrong one.
Mr. McFeely from Mister Rodgers Neighborhood.

Don't they know that Mr. McFeely & Fred Rodgers bleed black & gold.
Don't they know that their is a Dinosaur dressed up like Mr. Rodgers IN Pittsburgh.
Thanks for the motivation.
And the giggles & glee.
And the week-and-a-half of rest.
And a first round by.

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